Information note regarding the personal data collection -- Jobsmarket Recruitment, with its headquarters in Constanta, Str. Marc Aureliu nr. 8, ground floor 1, Romania, registered at the Trade Register Office of Constanta under no. J13/1117/2008, unique registration code RO 23606643, as author, owner and administrator of the website, as well as operator, respects the privacy of the individuals and in the context of processing their personal data, it ensures them of an adequate protection.
In relations with third parties, Jobsmarket Recruitment SRL offers those interested the following contacts:
The headquarters is located in Str. Marc Aureliu nr.8, etj 1, zip code 90744, Constanta, Romania;
Telephone: +40341452277
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The information/ data we process when you use the website
Last and first name, date of birth, address, country, telephone number, email address, job, education, experience, CV, letter of intent, references.
According to Law no. 677/2001 regarding the protection of individuals considering the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and completed and of Law no. 506/2004 regarding the processing of personal data and protection of private life in the electronic communications sector, SC Jobsmarket Recruitment SRL must manage safely and only for specified purposes, the personal data you provide about yourself, about one of your family member or another person. The purpose of data collection is the selection, recruitment and placement of personnel.
You must not provide these data, which are necessary for providing the service you chose, namely: selection and placement of labor for employment. Your denial causes the failure to record your data and, therefore, the impossibility to provide you our services.
The recorded information are intended to be used by the operator and they are communicated only to the following recipients: operator’s employees, employer / potential employer of the person concerned, counterparties of the operator, other companies from the same group with the operator.
According to Law no. 677/2001, you have the right to access and modify the data, the right not to be subject to an individual decision and the right to appeal to justice. However, you have the right to object the processing of your personal data and to request the deletion of the data. To exercise these rights, you may submit a written request, sign and date it on
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In addition, your right to go to court is recognized.
If some data about you are incorrect, please, let us know as soon as possible.
Confidentiality Agreement
We recommend you to read carefully this Agreement. It sets out the terms and conditions under which we provide our services through the website
If you use the services or information offered by S.C. Jobsmarket Recruitment and by the company’s website above-mentioned, this will be equivalent to your expressly and unequivocally consent for the terms and conditions below, for using and processing the data provided by Jobsmarket Recruitment and its collaborators in order to carry out the recruitment, selection and placement of workers.
Jobsmarket Recruitment SRL Team is trying to protect as much as possible the right to privacy and to image of the site users. We intend that all site users should enjoy a safe online experience. To achieve this, we make all the effort to ensure that the information you enter in our database is used only for the purposes that you are considering.
How we collect and use your personal data
S.C. Jobsmarket Recruitment collects and uses any of the following information about you, and in this document, we refer to this right as “personal data”.
a. Information from CV/Jobsmarket application: Information included in the application and CV / application form or information, which are provided by you in a different way, in this context, such as full name, birth date, birth place, nationality, bank account, civil status, address, email address, phone number, professional qualifications, degrees, previous employers, recommendations, analysis of professional and skills evolution, training, change of job/department, details regarding the performance and adaptation requirements.
b. Since is a recruitment website, we will give you the opportunity to register yourself and your CV in our database. There is also the possibility to register the CV directly by sending an email with attachment to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. email address or the candidate can present himself/herself at our headquarters in Constanta, str. Marc Aureliu nr. 8, etj 1, where you can apply and register by filling out an application form. Access to the database is limited to employers, personnel managers, travel tickets agencies; health insurance companies, generally, to our partners. You can delete your CV or application form from our database anytime, by sending a notification accompanied by your contact details at the email address:
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c. We will use these data to propose you to potential employers (at your request) before signing an employment agreement, such as contacting you for interviews. We use these data for our legitimate interests to assess the candidate’s suitability and the confirmation of information from CV, letters of recommendation, letters of intent, and to perform a check regarding the veracity of the information specified in these documents. We also have an interest in ensuring honor and good reputation of future employees (for example, we do not tolerate speeches inciting to hatred, discrimination and racism) but also an interest in protecting the image of our company and our partners.
d. The personal data are processed only in case you agree by signing the consent form, completing an application form, send a CV to our email address, and if you do not agree with this, we cannot complete the recruitment process and, therefore, we cannot consider you for employment.
e. If you are selected to receive an offer, it will be necessary to have your consent in order to process some of your personal data and documents necessary for concluding an employment agreement (medical visit, criminal records, bank account etc.).
f. The personal data are also used to send you offers, new advertising and marketing messages.
1.2. The source of personal data - personal data are provided directly by you and others, they are obtained indirectly from third parties, from external sources, information taken from social networks (for example, through the recruitment announcements): Facebook, Linkedln, specialized sites of jobs.
To whom do we disclose your personal data?
Your personal data can be distributed to any company collaborating with Jobsmarket Recruitment and which provides outsourcing services, if we consider that this is in our legitimate interest to carry out the recruitment, selection and placement of workers. Access to your data is limited only to those employees, who needed that information for business purposes, for fulfilling some tasks related to the field of human resources, legal, IT, security, finance, health insurance, travel tickets.
Jobsmarket Recruitment will send personal information to third parties in the following cases:
- with your consent;
- when it is necessary to share some of your information to provide the requested services;
- when the information is necessary to company’s partners in order to facilitate or to improve some of the services requested by you or, when Jobsmarket Recruitment will consider appropriate to send commercial messages or promotion of one of its partners or clients.
- we may share personal information to the authorities or public institutions according to the law, as long as it provided by a legal provision, to prevent a crime or protect the national security, the safety of individual or public safety.
Retention of personal data
Your personal data are kept as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which these information are processed, or until you request the deletion of data, restricting processing.
Personal data of candidates, who become employees, are kept as part of the employers’ data and they are subject to a policy on employee’s data processing.
1. The right to access your data;
2. The right to rectify your data;
3. The right to delete your data;
4. The right to restrict the processing of your data;
5. The right to data portability;
6. The right to object to the processing of data;
7. The right not to be subjected to an automated decision, including profiling; and
8. The right to notification the recipients regarding the rectification, deletion or restriction of personal data.
Transfer of personal data outside the European Union
The information can be processed also by the collaborators who are, also, operating outside the European Economic Area, for placing labor activity abroad. In these situations, we will respond appropriately in accordance with this information note: the conclusion of some standard clauses approved by the European Commission regarding the data protection with personal character.
This information note can be modified whenever we consider it necessary. Any changes made to this information note regarding the privacy policy will be posted on the same website, but it will not be made known and emailed.